A semen analysis, also known as a sperm count, is a lab test that evaluates the quality and quantity of a man’s semen and sperm. It’s often one of the first tests performed to assess male fertility.

DNA Fragmentation Integrity Assay
The DNA Integrity Assay measures the denaturation of sperm DNA by staining with acridine orange, which differentially stains double- and single-stranded DNA. Five to ten thousand cells are measured using flow cytometry and the ratio of damaged to non-damaged DNA is calculated using dedicated software.

A post-ejaculation urinalysis (PEU) is a urine test that checks for sperm after ejaculation. It’s usually performed when semen volume is low or when retrograde ejaculation occurs. Retrograde ejaculation is when semen flows backward into the bladder instead of out through the urethra during ejaculation.

A post-vasectomy test, also known as a post-vasectomy semen analysis (PVSA), is a laboratory test that checks for sperm in semen to assess the success of a vasectomy.

Sperm aneuploidy is a condition that occurs when sperm cells have an abnormal number of chromosomes, usually due to errors during meiosis. This can happen when a sperm cell gains or loses a single chromosome, resulting in a number that differs from the normal 22 + X or 22 + Y.

(TEX101, ECM1)
Approximately 10-15% of men struggling with infertility are diagnosed with azoospermia, which means they have no sperm in their semen.